#5328 – Best of Both

Good morning people who receive the very best of God as He follows you.

Psalms 23:6 NIV Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

In life, sometimes two people wanting to accomplish an outcome in someone’s life play ‘good cop, bad cop.’ One seems to be the nice one, making the intended person feel comfortable. While the other one is the nasty cop, intimidating the person into listening to the first person.

We must not view God this way.

God’s goodness is not matched with His punishment as He follows us. Nor is it matched with His anger. He’s not trying to scare us into obedience.

We are told that God’s goodness and God’s love are what follow us. This is such wonderful news!

We must ensure our view of God and His heart for us is in line with the truth.

He is not against us; He is for us!