#5317 – Evil Won’t Prevail

Good morning people who are victorious in our risen saviour Jesus Christ.

Psalms 23:4 NIV Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Dark valleys cannot destroy or overcome the people of God! They are not all-powerful. Jesus is!!

God is greater than the darkness! God is greater than a disease! God is greater than accusation! God is greater than failure! God is greater than loss! God is greater than uncertainty! God is greater than questions!

God is greater, and God lives in us, God walks with us, God works in us, God fights for us, and God intercedes for us!

No valley, no shadow, no fiery dart from the defeated devil can win against our victorious, ascended, conquering, almighty creator. God!!!


So, let’s not do it alone. Let’s do every moment with God. Let’s talk to Him. Let’s listen to Him. Let’s give our burdens to Him. Let’s receive His grace. Let’s do life with God. It’s the only way to live.