#5054 – God’s Power

Good morning people who are filled to the measure of the fullness of God.

2 Peter 1:3 NIV His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Oh my goodness me – the Word of God just keeps on getting better and better!! This verse has so much truth in it that we could camp in it for months and receive more and more revelation and empowerment in the Spirit!! Let’s look to see what God is saying to us.

God’s divine power is sufficient for all that we need.

There is no lack in God’s power. There is nothing too difficult for Him. There is nothing that is more powerful. There is nothing that He is overwhelmed or overpowered by. Nothing!

God’s divine power is exactly that; it is divine. God’s power cannot be humanly measured or understood. It is supernatural. There is no limit or measure to God’s power!

And it is available to us as His sons and daughters!!

God’s divine power has been given to us in the person of the Holy Spirit. We must never devoid God’s power from God Himself. The power of the Holy Spirit is the person of the Holy Spirit moving and working. It is not something from God – it is God.

And He lives in us! Oh Heavenly Father, this is so good!!

We haven’t joined a religion – we have entered into deep relationship with God Himself, and He has come to live in us!

I might leave you meditating on this today and come back and bubble over with more from this verse tomorrow. Enjoy your time focusing on the goodness of God.