Good morning people whose God paid the price so that you can be free.
Galatians 1:4 TPT He’s the Anointed One who offered himself as the sacrifice for our sins! He has rescued us from this evil world system and set us free, just as our Father God desired.
Jesus fulfilled His mission from His Father perfectly. It wasn’t partial, nor was it incomplete. It is finished was His confession and His reality.
We had sinned. We deserved death and separation from God the Father. We were the ones who should have paid the price.
But Jesus!
But Jesus was our substitution! He died in our place and paid the full price for our sins! His death was the substitute for our death, and therefore, His death resulted in our life!
And this means that we no longer have to pay a penalty for our sins if we have been born again by the Spirit of God! This is a difficult truth for us to grasp, and an even harder one for us to live in. All too often, we still feel like we need to pay a price for what we have done wrong. After all, how can God forgive us if we can’t forgive ourselves?
But God the Father has forgiven us because His Son Jesus Christ was the substitute for the sins of the world! Praise and glory and honour to our awesome wonderful Father and Saviour! It is finished means it is finished!