#4961 – Complete Access

Good morning people who are invited into the holy place of God’s presence.

Father, I thank You for complete access.

Hebrews 4:16 NIV Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Thank You Father for complete access to You, to Your life, to Your joy, to Your peace.

Thank You Father that I can come boldly to Your throne of grace, anytime, anywhere, no matter what.

Thank You Father that Your throne room is always open, and through the blood of Jesus, I am fully accepted by You!

Thank You Father that the devil’s lies of accusation have no more power in my life!

Thank You Father that I am Your heir and a co-heir with Christ. If Jesus paid for it, it is mine to fully access and walk in!

And so today, I choose to believe that what You say in Your Word is the truth. On the days when I don’t feel it, I choose to believe it and confess it.

I will not live robbed any longer by the lies of an enemy whose desire is to keep me far from You. I am not far from You – I have complete access to You through the power of the Holy Spirit and through the life, death and resurrection life of Jesus Christ!

Watch the latest Fathering in the Prophetic video here: #16 – Staying On Track In The Prophetic