#3503 – Grace Alone

Good morning people who are positively overwhelmed at being alive in Christ

Over the coming days, I want to share some scriptures that highlight our rightful, legal, spiritual position ‘IN CHRIST’. May these two profound words grip your heart and change your walk.

2 Timothy 1:9 NIV He has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us IN CHRIST Jesus before the beginning of time.

None of us are good enough for God – we’re not. And that’s the beauty of grace!

Our salvation is because of God’s grace! But so too is our sustaining and our sanctification! God’s grace is saving, sustaining and sanctifying!

God is the God of grace, and this grace can only be found in Christ Jesus, which is exactly where we are found!

So when the enemy comes knocking at your door with accusation, condemnation and guilt, remind him of the truth: “I’m not perfect, but God is! I’m not saved by works, but by grace, and this grace is IN CHRIST which is exactly where I live!