#3289 – So That God

Good morning people who understand the reasons God blesses us

Psalm 67:1-2 NIV May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us— so that Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.

Father wants to bless His people because they are His children and He loves them.

If there was no other reason, that is enough. God loves us.

But it is equally true that Father blesses us and is gracious to us so that His ways are known on earth and people come into relationship with Him through the priceless gift of salvation.

As I have previously said, our lives are to be a signpost that testifies about Father’s goodness.

God being seen in us so that people can know Him should be our priority – it most certainly is God’s priority.

Today I encourage you to speak about God’s goodness and blessing in your life – so that God’s ways may be known on the earth and His salvation among the nations.