#2937 – God Is Faithful

Good morning people who serve and walk with the only true Constant

Yesterday we talked about when the profession of our faith meets the testing of our faith, and how it’s at these times that we need to hold on unswervingly.

“But how do we do this?”

The answer is in the same verse:

Hebrews 10:23 (NIV) Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

The fuel to holding on unswervingly is that God is faithful.

When circumstances don’t make sense, God is faithful. When hurt is our constant companion, God is faithful. When the bills are mounting up, the children are unwell and we just need a break, God is faithful.

God’s faithfulness is not reliant upon anything else, nor is it defeated or diminished by anything else. God’s faithfulness is in fact a statement about God, and therein lies its power! 

I’ve learnt that I don’t need to, nor will I, often understand what’s happening or why. And I’m ok with that – I’m not saying it’s easy – but I am saying that God is still faithful, yes even when evidence would try to say otherwise.

God is faithful, and so I choose to hold unswervingly to Him and what He says.