#2919 – All From God

Good morning people who know that what they have comes from God

Oh my goodness, there’s more!

2 Peter 1:3 (NIV) His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him Who called us by His own glory and goodness.

A godly life is lived by us because of His divine power and His own glory and goodness, not ours!

God is powerful, not me! Yes I am powerful through Christ, but that is actually God’s power through me, it doesn’t originate from me. God has given me authority over all the enemy’s power (Luke 10:19), it’s not from me, it’s from Him, He gave it to me!

It’s God’s glory and goodness, not mine! It’s not because I am good, it’s because He is good! Jesus prayed to the Father to give us the same glory He had (John 17:22), but again, He asked His Father to give us the glory! Anything glorious or good that we have or walk in is from God!

I breathe deeply from a place of contentment and security knowing that God Who fills me supplies all I need.

Thank You Father.