#2782 – Naming Animals

Good morning people who partner with God by the words they speak

If you want a verse to show you how much God wants to partner with us and to do life with us, this one will work:

Genesis 2:19 (NIV) Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.

God brought the animals to man and He was interested in what man would name them. God is interested in what we do. He is interested in our day to day lives, the decisions we make and the way that we represent Him.

God gave man the responsibility to name things. In our lives, we have the responsibility to declare how things will be, what we will live according to and to release God’s purposes through our words.

But God also gave us the power to name things! I think it is incredible that Almighty God invites us to name things; to literally create with our words! Pastor Russell Evans from my home church PlanetShakers says, “Your words create your world”.

“So what are you creating with your words this year?”