#2643 – Spiritual Feasting

Good morning people who feed on what will do them the most good

We cannot simply nibble on food occasionally and be healthy. Naturally we need to eat regularly. As in the natural, so it is in the spiritual.

I believe that spiritual feasting should be the Believer’s norm. I believe that spiritual mindedness comes from Biblical saturation.

I believe that our thinking follows our feasting, yet too often we are feasting on the wrong things. Now I do not say ‘wrong’ as in ‘bad’ (although sometimes this may be the case), but rather ‘wrong’ as in ‘less important’.

Time with God is what we were created for. The Word of God was given to be our primary source of information and knowledge. The Christian life cannot be lived as God intended outside of a deepening relationship with God and a deepening love for God’s Word.

“So how is your spiritual feasting going?”