#2306 – Always Trust-Worthy

Good morning people who serve a faithful and true God

God has never lied.

Psalm 12:6 (NIV) And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.

What God says can always be trusted – always.

You might say, “But Steve, God said ‘such and such’ to me, and it never happened.”

I too have had times when, what God has said and my reality, do not match up. Sure, at times I have questions – good questions, valid questions – but I am grateful I did not let those questions result in me mistrusting God.

I have settled on the truth that God is always good and His words are flawless. I have settled on the truth that God’s ways are higher, better and wiser than mine. I have settled on the truth that when there is a gap between what God has said and my reality, the lack is never on God’s part, but in the area of my understanding.

Therefore I have come to a place where I can easily and confidently say, “I don’t understand, but God is good and He is completely trust-worthy”.

“Have you settled at this place in your life?”