Good morning people who are a blessing to others
(By David McCracken)
I finished yesterday by saying: “The commission that God now brings to each of us is to bring hope and healing to these ones who cry out.”
The challenge is that we can only do so carrying the marks of a redeemed scar, not an open wound; the fragrance of the redeemed not the stench of an embittered soul. We must be first partakers of that redemptive work of God’s healing grace in order to pour it into the lives of others.
In order to have an empowered present we must have a fully resolved past.
Psalm 51:6 tells us that “God desires truth in our inward parts.”
The word “truth” is the word for “transparency”. God wants us to be open, fresh, see-through people who carry the fragrance of freedom.
Freedom from bitterness, resentment, condemnation, regret, feelings of martyrdom and being unjustly treated;
Freedom from the “woe is me” song sung by all those whose focus is still upon themselves rather than on the needs of others;
Freedom from the self-indulgent spirit of this age which demands our slavish obsession of looking after number one.
Friends, to bring healing to your city’s wounded, God wants those who sing the songs of gratitude and praise; who rejoice in His mercy and grace, who celebrate sins forgiven and wounds now healed.
God wants those whose motivation is the selfless care of others and whose gravitational pull to criticism and judgement has been replaced with the compassion of one knowing their own redemption.
I pray that the River of Life will flow through you freely as those whose wounds have become redemptive scars and whose hearts are fully set to be carriers of His grace and love to the needy of your city.
“The dying groan in the city and the souls of the wounded cry out.”
From the place of our own healing and restored wholeness, let us pour out God’s redemptive oil and meet the need of that cry.
I rejoice in God’s redemptive grace.
(Today’s BIY written by David McCracken)