#1083 – Pray Salvation

Good morning people who pray for others

As I was praying recently, I felt compelled to pray for those I used to work with. I felt like I had a missed an opportunity; an opportunity to pray every day for those I worked with. I can’t go back now and change that but I can start to pray for them with a fresh focus and passion.

I want to encourage you not to miss this opportunity in your world. This is what I am feeling about your situation at work:

Declare salvation over your work mates. Name them one by one. Lift them up before God. Pray that God uses you in this process while honoring your employer’s time. Have a belief that your prayers are powerful and that none of them are wasted.

Remember, we do the praying but God does the saving and changing. We need to take responsibility for what we can do and let the Holy Spirit do what only He can do.

For some of us it’s time to raise our expectations and believe again that God changes hearts and saves. It’s time for some of us to believe again that we are part of Gods plan and process. It’s time for some of us to believe this now and focus on Gods greatness in and through us and not on our weaknesses or limitations.

I can confidently pray for salvation for those I have worked with because I know it’s God’s will – He has stated it in His Word. You don’t need another Word when God has already given you His Word.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Let’s pray and let’s believe for Salvation for those we work with.