Good morning people receiving the truth of God’s Word
We need greater revelation of truth; we need to grow in the depths of the truth of God’s grace.
Look at how Peter finishes his letters:
2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
A deepening revelation of the empowering grace of God is linked to a deepening revelation of the knowledge of God. Did you get that?
My whole focus in life is to know God better and reveal Him more. And an understanding of grace, a revelation of grace that impacts and changes our lives is linked to knowing God better.
I want to remind you what grace is: the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude.
God is the Divine and He is the Divine Influence on our hearts!!! The greater we know God, the greater His influence will be in our lives; THIS IS GRACE!!!!
Man, I’m getting excited now!!!! The pieces of the jig-saw are starting to come together!!!!
My focus, your focus, should be to know God better: to receive greater revelation of Who God is. As this becomes our greatest priority in life, I believe with all my heart that our whole thinking and way of living will change. As we have an increased spiritual perception