#882 – Joseph’s Life

Good morning people who submit to God’s Lordship

Was God sovereign in Joseph’s life?

Joseph’s life was a continual cycle of betrayal and abuse mixed in with blessing and favour. Have you ever felt like that was the story of your life?

You can find the full story of Joseph’s life in Genesis 37-50.

Here’s a brief summary of some of what Joseph went through:

At 17 years of age, Joseph had a dream from God about his future; it looked wonderful and exciting! As a result of this, his brothers were so jealous of him they threw him into a pit then sold him as a slave. He was purchased by Potiphar in the foreign land of Egypt. Can you imagine what this must have been like for him? Then he enjoyed God’s blessing and he must have thought things were turning around…and then he was falsely accused of rape and ended up in prison