Good morning those who belong to God
God’s desire and our legal position is as sons and daughters of the Living God. Yet if we do not choose the Author of Life, we often find ourselves in the place this younger son did.
Luke 15:14-15 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
Sin seemingly offers so much and yet delivers so little. Living a life of sin (anything not of faith according to Romans 14:23), always results in us being a slave and not enjoying life as a son. Sin always leaves a hunger that cannot be satisfied. Sin creates a longing that no one and no substance can fill. Sin always drives us deeper and deeper into despair and hopelessness.
But today, I declare there is another way! It is not about trying harder; it is about surrendering more. It is not about works and striving; it is about faith and abiding in God. It is not about compensating and making up for our faults and our shortcomings; it is about receiving God’s limitless and life-changing love, grace and goodness. It’s about God and He is available to every person right now.
Today what are you going to choose? I pray that you will see the truth. God is the only truly satisfying answer to the yearnings and the desires of your heart. All other pursuits will leave you in desperate need. God alone is the answer to what you seek after.