Good morning people who need God
Genesis 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realised they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
It’s interesting to note that Eve saw the fruit was desirable for gaining wisdom and when they ate, that’s exactly what happened. I’m sure Adam and Eve both would have expected to have wonderful mysteries revealed and incredible wisdom to flow regarding great and godly things. But that’s not what happened. The first thing they gain wisdom on and see is their own lack. They went against God’s commands and they noticed their lack, their shortcoming, their nakedness first.
So what do people do when they realise their own lack and shortcoming?
We try to cover it up. Adam and Eve saw their nakedness that was revealed by their disobedience and they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Without being explicit, I can guarantee their attempt to cover themselves was inadequate. Firstly how difficult would it be to ‘sew’ fig leaves together? I mean, what did they use to sew them with? Then there’s the fact that fig leaves are pretty small. At best their attempt to ‘cover’ themselves was futile.
So it is with all of us. We can’t cover our own sins. We need God to do that.
Genesis 3:21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.
He is such a wonderful and loving God that He not only covers our sins, He removes them and remembers them no more (Hebrews 10:17-18). What an incredible and amazing God we serve.