Good morning people God is wanting to bless
Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
I’m existed! I pray you get the prophetic declaration of this passage. Let me explain.
Everything started with God and in the beginning the earth was formless and empty and there was darkness everywhere. We see here a picture of pre-creation, pre-beauty and pre-wonder. Maybe that’s where you find yourself now. Your story has so much more to be written!
Now we hear about the Holy Spirit. We are told He is hovering over the waters. I get a sense that He was ready to bring about God’s command. He was hovering, poised ready to leap into action, ready to take the creative spoken word of God and breathe it into existence!
God spoke, the Holy Spirit breathed and life came into being!
I want to declare this prophetically into your life and situation. I believe that as you lay hold of the Word of God and let the Holy Spirit breathe life into it, breakthrough will happen. I believe this because I believe it is God’s heart. I believe He is for us and He is ready to move on our behalf. He is ready to show Himself strong. He is ready, willing and able.
”Holy Spirit breathe upon the Word, make it alive to every person and let it bring life in Jesus Name!”