#632 – In The Beginning

Good morning people with an eternal God

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

In the beginning God…think about that. Before anything existed, God did.

Before the world was made, God was. Before animals and birds were created, God was. Before people were created, God was. Before trees, flowers, mountains and valleys existed, God was.

It’s also good to know that before there was pain, God existed. Before there were questions, God was. Before there were challenges, God was. Before there was hurt, God was. Before there was disappointment, God was. Before there were seemingly unmoveable obstacles, God was.

Today that gives me great confidence. When I think about a tough situation, I know that God was there before the impossibility. I believe He is greater and far more knowledgeable and wise than any question, challenge, doubt or fear that I might have. My God is greater. He pre-existed all things and all that is good gets its life from Him. He is the Creator and He is my God.

In the beginning God… That’s good news.