#6025 – Accurate Measure

Good morning people who live all in for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I felt the following impression from the Lord:

I’m not called to be a man of “much”, but of “accurate measure.”

The success of our lives is not found in how much we do, but in how much we do of what God has told us to do.

If we are not careful, we will limit this to just the big profound prophetic words that we have received. The reality is many people might not have received individual prophetic words of God’s stated future intention. These may be included, but that’s not Father’s focus for today’s BIY.

The Word of God is full of what Father has said to us. There are invitations into deeper intimacy. There are instructions in godly living. There are declarations of who we are called to be in God. There are details of how Jesus’ church should look and how it should be built and how it should function. There is a cover to cover focus on salvation and redemption for all mankind.

The Word of God is full of what Father has said to us. There are frequent calls to pray and to give thanks and to worship in Spirit and in Truth. There are constant exhortations to be in the Word and to memorise and meditate on God’s Word day and night. There is scripture after scripture about how we use our tongue and the words that we speak. There is a call to holy living; to walk and live and speak and do as Jesus did.

So, this year, it’s not about how much you do. This year, and every year, it is about measuring how God measures.

How much of God’s Word do you live?

That’s the measure that God measures you by.