Good morning people who are in the perfect position to reflect God’s love.
Pharoah’s cupbearer and baker had dreams while they were in prison. This brought them sadness because they did not know what they meant. Joseph noticed this and asked them what was wrong. Here’s their response and then Joseph’s response to them:
Genesis 40:8 NIV “We both had dreams,” they answered, “but there is no one to interpret them.” Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”
Two important things I want to bring to us today.
Firstly, interpretations of dreams come from the Lord. Prophetic visions, prophetic dreams and prophetic words also come from the Lord. None of these originate from us. They are all about God speaking.
Sometimes I hear people trying to understand the meaning of prophetic visions, dreams or words. I hear people asking others what they think it could mean. I understand that, but it’s not what I believe Father wants to show us from this scripture today.
Joseph rightfully said, “Do not interpretations belong to God?” The answer is, “Absolutely they do!” The God who gives the dreams is the only One who knows what they mean.
Secondly, Joseph said, “Tell me your dreams.”
Once again I’m mindful that Joseph is in prison at this time. And yet, despite the injustice he was living through, he knew he was still on kingdom assignment. Joseph was operating in the realm of the Spirit at a time when many would have shut down.
Even in the specific challenges you are going through, God can still speak to you and minister through you. In the midst of your dark valley, I know that God’s grace is sufficient for you to be a minister of the good news of Jesus Christ.
May we all be a reflection of God in every moment. May we all allow the Holy Spirit to minister the Father’s life through us in Jesus’ name.