#5808 – Just Like John

Good morning people who prepare the way for the Lord to be seen and encountered.

Mark 1:2-3 NIV ‘As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” — ”“a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”

Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest born among women, and yet He also said that whoever is least in the kingdom of God is greater than John (Matthew 11:11). There is a connection between John’s calling and our calling.

John was a messenger sent by God to people who would have an encounter with Jesus. We too are messengers sent by God to people who will have an encounter with Jesus.

John was sent to prepare the way for the Lord. We too are called to prepare the way for the Lord.

John was a voice calling in the wilderness; in lonely and desert places. We too are called to be a voice in the dry and difficult places of life.

John was sent to make straight paths for God. We too are called to make straight paths for God.

There is a holy calling on the life of every son and daughter of God. There is a divine appointment on your life to be a witness and a testimony for Jesus. There is a holy mandate for us to point people to God and to call people back to God.

John the Baptist fulfilled his God-given mission.

Will you?

John the Baptist lived a life that was all about pointing others to Jesus.

Will you?

May Jesus be seen clearly and accurately through our lives.