#5799 – Nothing Too Trivial

Good morning people who come to God with everything that is on your heart.

There is nothing too trivial for God.

Some people wrongly believe that Father is only interested in “spiritual things”. Unfortunately, the erroneous separation between spiritual and natural has perpetuated this fallacy.

Jesus died for people, and people aren’t divided up into segments. It’s not like Jesus died for certain parts of our life, while the other parts remain unsaved and unsanctified. We have one life, and Jesus died for the complete person.

Therefore, we must understand that all of life is to be lived for the glory of God. As such, there is nothing that is off limits when it comes to talking with Father. If it’s on your heart, put it on your lips and talk to God.

W.L.Seaver in his reflection from Tozer’s words on Prayer said the following: “Every act of our lives should contribute to the glory of God, and Jesus Christ is our example in that He never once performed a non-sacred act. His life was filled with power and prayer!”

There’s to be no separation, and therefore, there is nothing too trivial for a child of God.

As you go through your day, talk to God. If it’s important to you, talk to God. If it’s worrying you, talk to God. If it’s annoying you, talk to God. If you lack wisdom, talk to God. If you are feeling stuck, talk to God. If you’re excited, talk to God.

You can talk to God about everything, and as a good Father, He loves to hear your voice and your heart.

Proverbs 3:6 NKJV In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

There is nothing too trivial for God.