Good morning people receiving God’s forgiveness
Hebrews 10:17-18 Then He (the Holy Spirit) adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin.
When God has forgiven us, we are free and we are completely forgiven. His sacrifice on the cross paid for our sins. Our confession and repentance wipes the slate clean. Now listen to this carefully.
When God forgives, He forgets. That’s right, forgets. Therefore when we ask Him to forgive us, He does and He remembers our sins no more. Our relationship is restored and we can enjoy a wonderful time with God.
Yet so often we don’t. Why? Because we not only continue to think about the sin with regret, but we continually ask God to forgive us.
There is a problem with this; He can’t remember it! How can God forgive what He can’t remember? He only needs to forgive it once and then He moves on. He doesn’t want to keep on hearing our repentance about the sin we have brought to Him many times. He wants us to just receive forgiveness and move on.
Since seeing this, I have had to stop myself from going over old territory with God. Whereas I continually repented to God for the same thing many times in the past, now I stop myself when the accusation from the enemy comes. Now I say “What are you talking about? God has forgiven me and forgotten! He’s moved on and so have I.”