#570 – Pray Over You

Good morning highly loved of God

I want to share a couple of verses today which I pray over you and I encourage you to meditate on them this year and to claim for yourselves. This is my prayer for you. This is God’s desire for you. May you have it in Jesus’ Name.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

These precious words are repeated constantly at the start and end of many of the New Testament books. The authors repeated it again and again as a greeting and as a final exhortation. They knew the power of grace, peace, mercy and love because they had experienced it from Jesus Himself. Paul, might not have met Jesus while He walked the earth but he had an incredible encounter with the Creator on the road to Damascus in which he experienced grace beyond measure. The persecutor of Christ became the ambassador of Christ, all because God Almighty reached out to him and showed grace and love in abundance! Peter failed miserably and cursed and denied his Lord yet Jesus responded with grace and love in abundance! Peter was met with love and was commissioned to change the world. How? Because of grace and love in abundance.

What God did for them, He can do for us. And more than that, He wants to, desires to, delights to! God doesn’t give grace here a little and there a little. God is extravagant in giving grace, mercy, peace and love!

May this be a year where we fully receive what God has abundantly given.