Good morning thirsty and hungry people of God
I once heard Bishop T.D. Jakes tell the time when God asked him to speak on Matthew 5:6. Bishop said he could do that because he knows the passage well and he quoted it to God. The Holy Spirit told him to read it again because he preaches it wrong. He shared an important truth for us all to keep in mind.
Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
God said to Bishop Jakes “You preach ‘blessed are those who are righteous, for they will be filled’ but that’s not what it says”.
In this passage is one of the most wonderful promises we are given in the precious Word of God. Too often I think I am blessed and filled only when I am righteous; in right standing with God. I’m more comfortable with that theology because it sounds right. But it’s not what the scripture says.
We are blessed and we can be filled by having a hunger and thirst for righteousness. You see we are all on a journey of becoming more like Christ and a process of being transformed and changed. The Word says if our desire, our hunger and thirst, is for living in right standing with God, He will cause us to be blessed and He will fill us.
Today let’s not add to the Word and put burdens and standards on ourselves and others that God hasn’t. This is something I have to be very mindful of and stop my negative default of focusing on being perfect. God loves and responds to a passionate desire; yes, even when we fall short. Aren’t you thankful for a grace-filled God!