Good morning people who do not make kingdom work about you.
I have a very interesting verse that I want to challenge us with today. Here it is in the words of Jesus:
Luke 10:16 NIV “Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.”
Too often, we don’t step out in bold steps of faith, just in case people reject us. Yet we are missing the deeper truth that, if people are rejecting us, they are in essence rejecting Jesus.
Following this further, if people reject Jesus, they are rejecting the Father.
And that leads me to the bottom line of what I feel today: It’s not about us.
Conversely, if people listen to us when we share the good news of the kingdom, people are actually listening to Jesus. What a wonderful truth!
Paul was very right when he wrote that our lives are not our own, therefore, honour God.
Some people in your life are just a conversation away from an encounter with God.
Will you love them enough to point them towards Jesus?