Good morning people whose lives are worth drinking from.
Psalms 23:5 NIV You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
The purpose of a cup is for someone to drink from it.
Our lives are to be a cup of blessing to others.
We are not a vase, whose purpose is simply to contain something, as beautiful as it might be.
We are referred to as cups, and like Jesus Himself, people should come into contact with our lives, and as a result, encounter the refreshing eternal life of the Spirit.
We are not a marsh – we are a flowing river.
And what we are filled with is what people will receive from our lives as they drink deeply.
A cup containing poison will kill. But a cup containing pure fresh water satisfies and quenches thirst.
Jesus is the cup that never runs dry, and we are in Christ and Christ is in us!
May our cups be filled today in Jesus’ Name, and may all who drink from our lives be drawn closer to the Father.