#5311 – Drink Deeply

Good morning dear friends of our loving God and Saviour.

Psalms 23:2-3 NIV He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

As we are led by God and guided into all truth, our soul is refreshed. This is the truth, and yet I feel that many believe that this peace in our soul is elusive.

And so, our Heavenly Father is telling me to release a word from heaven, by faith, into your spirit.

I hear Him say, “A refreshed soul is possible and it is My desire for you.”

Part of the obstacle to our stepping into and receiving this refreshing is the lie that it won’t happen, or can’t happen or it hasn’t happened. But this is the enemy of the people of God lying to us and trying to steal what is rightfully and legally ours.

The release valve to the floodgates of God’s intention is to drink deeply of Him. This is not about working harder or striving more to receive – not at all. In fact, that might be why some aren’t refreshed.

But it is about us filling our well with that which will feed and refresh our soul. Ultimately, it is only God Himself that refreshes us, but I am convinced that as we lean in and saturate ourselves with the truth through His Word, through worship and prayer, through reading and watching things that pull our thinking upwards towards God, refreshing will come.

Upon the foundation of us being led by God and us drinking deeply of Him, I release a deep refreshing to you today in Jesus’ name.