Good morning people who boldly proclaim the good news about Jesus Christ.
John 15:22 NIV “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.”
This is very interesting.
The moment people hear the truth, responsibility kicks in.
Yes, there is the difficult side to this that Jesus is talking about here. When people hear the good news about Jesus, they are now without excuse. It is a serious thing to hear the gospel and then reject it.
But there is also a wonderful side I feel to draw our attention to today.
Every time the good news about Jesus and the truth from His Word is shared, we are setting people up with the opportunity to encounter God! Please get this today.
There is something powerful that takes place when truth is spoken. Something happens in the spiritual realm. The words about the Word release life into the atmosphere. The Holy Spirit is released to bring revelation.
At the same time, the enemy tries to steal, kill and destroy. He desperately doesn’t want anyone to come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And so he opposes it. He pushes it in a wrong direction. He pollutes it and tries to defile it.
And this is why we need to take authority over him in the spirit realm. We need to bind deception and lies, and release the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth. Salvation happens at a spiritual level, not a natural level.
So, speak the Word dear friends – it might just save a life!