#5095 – Discovery Year

Good morning people who revisit what the Lord has said to you.

As we approach the halfway point of 2022, I feel Father wants us to take another look at what He has been saying to us.

In your own life, I encourage you to take some time to do this. From prophetic words spoken to you from other people, to rhema words that the Holy Spirit has whispered to you directly, God has spoken many things to you over the years. I encourage you to ask the same Holy Spirit who spoke these words, to now speak again and bring things He has said back to your memory if there is more that He wants to accomplish from these words.

As a prophet, I believe that some of the things Father spoke to me coming into 2022 were both for me and for the body of Christ. So I feel to revisit these over the coming days and I pray Father speaks something wonderful to you as together we seek to hear His voice.

I heard the Lord say, “This is a year of discovery.”

I am now seeing the truth of this more and more.

Father also made it exceptionally clear that He wanted to be the author of what we discover. In other words, not everything that gets our attention should be given our attention. Because we are interested in knowing something doesn’t mean that God wants us to invest His gift of time into pursuing it.

We must never confuse knowledge of facts with revelation of truth. The Bible warns that knowledge itself can puff up; can make us proud. There has been an increase of this among many Christians over the last couple of years, and it can largely be traced back to the desire for us to know something. This is not wrong if Father wants us to discover it, but the fruit of many of these pursuits has shown that God is not behind the desire to discover some of our pursuits.  

There are things on God’s heart that He wants us to discover. These are important to Him, and therefore, they are best for us. The greatest of these is a deepening revelation of who He is. In addition to this, God wants us to see ourselves as He sees us, and to come into deeper revelation of His eternal plan that we are privileged to be a part of. This is what God wants us to go on a journey of discovery in as we head towards the second half of the year.

Will you join me?

Watch a short video where Steve speaks about ‘A Year Of Discovery’.