Good morning people who have been gifted faith to believe in God.
2 Peter 1:1 NIV Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours.
I’m drawn to the words ‘a faith as precious as ours’. Our faith in God is precious.
What does this mean?
Our faith has value and honour. It is not trivial or casual. It is not cheap or flippant.
Our faith is valuable and it honours God. When we put our confident trust in God – in who He is and all that He does – this pleases and delights God; this is precious to God.
Because it is a declaration of Lordship. It is us stepping away from being our own lord and master. It is us denying ourselves, and it is embracing His royal authority, power and dominion in our lives.
Honestly, it is an acknowledgement of things as they ought to be. We were created to know God, trust God, walk with God and fully submit to God. This can only happen if we ‘trust in the Lord with all our heart and don’t lean on our own understanding’.
This is faith. This is precious. This pleases God.