Good morning people who learn from the example of Jesus Christ.
We must not buy into the lie that says, if we listen to and are led by the voice of God, everything will always be fine by how we humanly measure.
Before the resurrection, Jesus died. He faced the most horrific of circumstances, betrayal and pain.
Yet the silent day was not the final day!
Nor was the silent day evidence that He had not listened to and been led by the voice of God!
So it is true in your life and mine.
The enemy would try to convince us that he has won and we have got it wrong because of a season that looks hopeless. This is what he tried to do with Jesus.
But it is essential that in these times, we do not allow the voice of the enemy to be the loudest voice in our minds! Did you hear that?
Again, it always comes back to the voice we are listening to and being led by in the moment! We cannot escape this creational pattern!
May today be marked by hearing and being led by the voice of God – even in the silence, the pain and the suffering.