Good morning people who set the right things into place in your life.
It’s time for the action of repairing to result in the action of fastening.
Some fluid things need to become fixed into place. Some moveable things need to become cemented into place.
That which is transient needs to become immovable!
Some people pride themselves on their independence. This is absolute foolishness for the people of God!
We are created to live dependent on God. We are created to live dependent on God’s Word. We are created to live fixed and fastened deeply and immovably in Him!
It’s time to return to God’s ways, to God’s will and to God’s Word.
It’s time to live our days with an eternal view and a spiritual mindset.
It’s time to be consumed with what moves God’s heart.
It’s time for the church of Jesus Christ to accurately represent Him!
I declare that this is a time of action required.
I declare that this is a time of putting off the things of the flesh and putting on the things of the Spirit.
I declare that this is a time of realignment and true revival; a coming back to God’s original creation, pattern and plan.
It’s time for the church of Jesus Christ to shine brightly as the light in this dark world.
This only happens as we live each day with our eyes fixed on Jesus and with our minds set on things above.
Will you join me?