Good morning people whose bodies are being touched by the power of God.
Father, I thank You for strong bodies.
Romans 8:11 NIV And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.
Like yesterday, I see the need for us to prophetically declare Father’s intention as stated in His Word, including over our bodies. This is not fake – this is faith, and faith is activated by a word of thanksgiving in advance. So, come on friends, let’s prophesy!
Father, I see the power of the Holy Spirit quickening physical bodies, including people’s minds.
Father, I see peace where there has been confusion. I see joy where there has been anxiety.
Father, I see power in muscles and hearts and lungs and legs and feet.
Father, I see clarity in vision and in hearing.
Father, I see strong shoulders and wrists and knees and backs and hips and ankles.
Thank You Father that You have supplied the wisdom required for us to step into this, and for the power of Your Holy Spirit when a supernatural touch is required.