Good morning people whose lives bring out the God flavour wherever you go.
Colossians 4:6 NIV Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Our conversations with those who don’t yet know Jesus need to be full of grace; the empowerment of God.
But they also need to be seasoned with salt.
When a meal is seasoned with salt, the salt is not the focus. Rather, the purpose of the salt is to bring out and enhance the flavours of the meal.
Our conversations are to bring out and enhance the flavour of God to those we are in relationship and communication with. This is what it means to have our conversations seasoned with salt.
Have you ever had a meal that was over-seasoned with salt?
It’s not pleasant. That which was meant to enhance now overpowers and distracts. In fact, a good meal can be ruined by too much salt.
Our conversations should not be the main take away for people. It’s not about our words, our intelligence, our opinions, our thoughts; it’s not about us.
Our lives – like salt – should intensify the flavour and focus of the main thing, and that is always God, not us.