Good morning people who treat your employees how God treats you.
Colossians 4:1 NIV Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.
The last three days we have spoken to employees who are called by God to work as unto Him. Today, Paul speaks to those who are the boss, and it is imperative that we see the connection.
Once again, like husbands with wives and parents with children, we see Paul highlight employers making it easier for employees to work as unto the Lord.
Employers should never seek to take advantage of their employees. The role of the employer is not to achieve the bottom line, but to place value and honour on every employee.
Because this is exactly how our Father in heaven treats us!
It is undeniable that our God is our master in heaven. He is absolutely supreme in authority. He is the Lord God Almighty. What He says goes, and there is no question of who is the boss of the universe.
Yet He loved us so much He sent His son to give His life for us. While we were sinners, Jesus died for us. He gave us hope and destiny and purpose, and it is all found in Him. He is for us, not against us. And He never lies or contradicts His nature.
God is completely trustworthy, and this is what every employer is called to be.
If you are an employer or boss today, do you need to realign to God’s way and treat those who work for you how God treats you?
Every person matters to God and every person should matter to us.