Good morning people who trust God even when things seem to be getting worse
Acts 16:26 NIV Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.
Think about this. Paul and Silas are stripped and severely beaten, then there were thrown into prison and placed in stocks in the inner cell. Yet they started to pray and praise.
I mean, after all, how could it get any worse?
Well, it did! Suddenly a violent earthquake came!
Yes, this was the very thing God used to save them, but they didn’t know that when it first started.
How long did they have before they knew the thing that was going to kill them was actually sent to rescue them?
In our lives, how often do we wrongly diagnose what God sends to deliver us, and we see it as a weapon from the enemy to destroy us?