Good morning people who are strong in the Lord and in His mighty power
I woke up tired and had to fight through a sluggish haze. I had lots to do, and I wanted to start by spending time with the Lord, but my energy levels were low.
What was wrong with me?
Nothing. I was tired. And then I remembered that Jesus Himself got tired.
John 4:6 NIV Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.
What part of Jesus was tired?
His flesh. And again I remind us: The flesh is not sinful.
What’s my point today?
Sometimes when the flesh is tired, we need to rest. We need to know when it’s time for this, and we need to honour sabbath rest and be refreshed in God.
At other times, (like it was for me on the morning I’m writing about), I knew that this was a time for my spirit to overcome my flesh, and to push through these feelings and thoughts and to stir myself up in God.
If we are waiting for everything to be easy and convenient and for us to “feel like it”, we will miss out on what God wants to do. Sometimes, maybe today, we need to overcome the desires of the flesh with the power of the Holy Spirit.