#4616 – Faith Without Details

Good morning people who take the first step in simple obedience to God

Hebrews 11:8 NIV By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.

By faith, Abraham trusted God for the future inheritance, and he also trusted God that he would recognise it when he saw it.

Many times we are immobilised in our faith journey because of a lack of details from God. Let’s be honest.

Sometimes God says, “Get moving”, and we reply, “Where?”. To which God says, “I’ll show you when you arrive.” To which we want to reply, “That’s not good enough. Now would be an ideal time to share all of Your plans and each step You want me to take.”

We think that we can plan best when we know the most, and maybe this is true. But when it comes to the faith journey with God, planning is not what He is after, obedience is!

I feel in my spirit that this is a big deal for some of you who are reading this. I believe this is a now word; a rhema word from God.

You can trust God. It’s time to take your first step.