Good morning people God wants to guide
Psalm 23:3b He guides me in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.
Someone who guides shows the way. Sometimes we feel like we are stumbling through life hopefully doing the right thing, hopefully walking the way God wants, hopefully bringing Him pleasure, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully…
God’s precious Word says “He guides me in paths of righteousness” This is a promise available for every person that is willing to be led. You see, that is more often the problem isn’t it. It’s not so much about whether God is willing to guide us, He is. It is more about whether we are willing to follow His guidance.
God guides primarily through the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Do we live by the Word of God? How about when we don’t understand it or like what it is saying? Do we listen to that still small voice? How about when it’s not saying something grand and deeply spiritual? An honest assessment here is vital, for all of us.
Today God wants to guide you. Today God wants to guide me. Today God wants us to follow. Will we?