#4531 – Eternal Life

Good morning people who live life through Jesus Christ

1 John 4:9 NIV This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

God’s love is more powerful than we have ever imagined, His sacrifice was greater, and His intended life for us is so much more.

The Father didn’t send Jesus Christ into the world just to forgive us from our sins. Jesus did not die just so that we could attend Church or be good. His plan was not for us to feel better than others or to think we are better than others.

The Father sent His one and only Son so that we might live through Him! The sacrifice of Jesus was for LIFE!!

Eternal life is life eternal with God, and this starts the moment we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. Eternal life is a promise for today that continues beyond our human lifetime. It is full, it is complete, it is not lacking in anyway!

Yet, so often we live in lack, with a limited mindset, still consumed by ourselves; what we can do, what we can’t do, how much we have, how much we need, what we have done, what we should have done…the list is as endless as it is dangerous.

Lift your eyes sons and daughters of God! Embrace the depths of God’s love for you! Accept and live in God’s eternal life for you and with you…it is available now!