#4472 – Miraculous Acts

Good morning people who desire to be part of God’s plan on earth

Matthew 11:20 NIV Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent.

The primary purpose of miracles is to turn people towards God.

Miracles are not just to make people feel good; the receiver of the miracle or the one who God chooses to use to release the miracle. It is not about drawing people to ourselves and hearing the applause of man. It is not just about changing our situation and making life easier.

Miracles are a signpost to a supernatural God! And according to this scripture, miracles are intended to result in repentance when repentance is needed.

I every Believer should desire to see the supernatural, including miracles. I also believe that we should desire to see them happen through us.

But we should also desire to see the supernatural acts point people to the supernatural God. Our prayer should be for people to see the miracles, repent and turn to God and enter into the fulness of the life that He died to give us.

This is what miracles are all about.