#4344 – Stay Awake

Good morning people who push through tiredness to pray

Mark 14:38 NIV Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Watch: ‘to stay awake’

Pray: ‘to pray to God’

Sometimes we beat ourselves up for feeling tired when it is time for us to pray. I’ve been there, and you probably have to.

I’ll take it further and say that I have fallen asleep praying, and you probably have to.

There is no condemnation here for me or for you today. That is not God’s purpose in talking to us as we meditate on His Word.

But there is a calling up to us all when it comes to ‘staying awake in order to pray to God’.

In part, I believe we need to accept that there are times when the disciples were called to overcome tiredness to pray, and so are we.

If we need to get up and move around, then we need to get up and move around. If we need to go for a walk and pray, then we need to go for a walk and pray. If we need to splash cold water on our face, then we need to splash cold water on our face.

It’s not always easy, and we won’t always get it right. But today, I simply want to encourage us all to ‘stay awake and pray to God’. 

Watch a 2 minute video on “Distraction – one of our greatest enemies”.
