#413 – Live To Give

Good morning people who live to give

What’s your focus in life? Is it to get more for yourself or give more away? I’m not just talking about possessions but I’m talking about a philosophy in life.

Acts 20:34-35 You yourself know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Life is much more rewarding when we live to give. This verse doesn’t say it’s just a good idea to be generous every now and then. This verse says you will be more blessed as you live a life focused on giving and not on getting.

The reality is those who live to get never have enough to bring them satisfaction; they always want more. We live in a time where many have increasing debt and financial pressure due to ‘needing’ the latest thing.

Then there are those who live to give. These people walk in a joy and a contentment that is not based in what they have. I believe God is a giving God and when we live to give we are simply reflecting the heart of the God who made us in His image. And it’s for that reason I believe the blessing follows generous people. Generous people who give from a heart that truly wants to bless others don’t mind how the blessing comes, but be assured, it will come.

Today simply ask “How can I bless someone in a tangible way?” Then go ahead and live to give.