Good morning dearly loved of God
Psalms 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
We cannot ever fully comprehend the depth of love that God has for us but oh how we need to try. How deep is God’s love for us? How central is it to Who He is? How life-changing is it to those who receive it? How much more powerful is it than anything else in existence?
God’s love is talking about His mercy; His kindness. To pull it down to a phrase, I would say God’s heart and desire is ‘for us’. We all know what it’s like to have people against us; people who don’t necessarily like us, tolerate us and there is no attempt to veil their feelings. But not so with God. He truly is ‘for us’. His desire is for us to be enveloped with His love; with His kindness. God’s heart is pure love; undefiled and undiluted. God’s love for us is pure love. God’s heart for you is pure love.
And His love is without limit. It is not in short supply.
Psalm 103:11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him.
Some of the original words to describe this translated word of ‘abounding’ are ‘abundant, exceeding, full and sufficient’. God’s love is not like eating a nice meal where you finish and although it was delicious your hunger is not satisfied. The thought of God’s love abounding is the thought of more than enough; it’s all that is needed. God’s love is without limit and it is available to every one of us today.
‘Father, help us to reach out and receive Your love for us today. May we see the depth of Your love that is never-ending.’