#404 – Who We Are

Good morning people with a right identity

What we think determines who we are.

Proverbs 23:7 NKJV As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

Our identity is not formed by what people say about us or what we go through in life. The reality is two people can go through the same circumstances and hear the same things yet their lives end up vastly different. What makes the difference?

I believe our identity is formed by which voice we choose to believe the most. We will have voices that tell us “It’s not fair, you don’t deserve that, you’re ugly, skinny or fat, you’ll never amount to anything, you are a failure…” But there is also another voice found in God’s Word that tells us “You are wonderfully made, if God is for you who can be against you, you can do all things through Christ who gives you the strength, God’s thoughts about us are precious and more numerous than the sand on the seashore…”

We can choose which voice we will believe and which one will shape our lives. It is easier to believe that we don’t have that choice because then we are not responsible for who we are. The sad reality there is we are the ones who suffer. We suffer because we are living bound and not free. But this does not have to continue for us.

Corrie Ten Boom was one who had every right to live a life devastated due to her circumstances and what people said about her. She was one who helped many people yet suffered greatly at the hands of the Nazis. She had every right to be crippled by her thinking as a result of her circumstances…but she brought her thinking in line with God’s Word and as a result she lived a life that has affected thousands. Here’s a thought from her life from Wikipedia to encourage us forward.

In her book Tramp for the Lord (1974), she tells the story of how, after she had been teaching in Germany in 1947, she was approached by one of the cruelest former Ravensbr