#4038 – Different Desire

Good morning people who at times desire something different to what God wants

Jesus was perfect and sinless, but He also had times of desiring something different to what His Father’s plan required of Him.

At times, Jesus had a conflict of wills with His Father.

Now this sounds wrong and terrible, but I need you to keep on leaning in with me.

By its very definition, a conflict of wills simply means ‘opposing desires’.

Let’s look at this well-known verse:

Luke 22:42 NIV “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.

Jesus always wanted to please His Father, and spiritually He wanted to do His Father’s will, but He had moments where naturally He wanted to do something different.

Jesus wouldn’t have said, “Not My will” If His will was to do what His Father was asking Him to do. This is not something metaphoric; Jesus desired something different to His Father in this moment. 

Please hear this:

Even Jesus had to submit His will to His Father’s will, which means, there were moments when His will was different to His Father’s will.

What does this mean for us?

Let’s look at that tomorrow.