#396 – Caught Up

Good morning prioritised people

I feel the Holy Spirit has just dropped a phrase into my mind which I would like us all to consider today. This is the concept of not being caught up in ‘life’ to the degree that the most important things are neglected. This is so easy to do and it happens to us all at times.

Our priorities are our walk with God and our relationships; our spouse first, then our children, followed by others. We know this but it’s all too common to hear a phrase similar to “they just got caught up in their job (ministry, sports, hobbies, mates etc) when the question “What happened?” is asked.

If you asked those closest to you “Do you feel valued by me?” what would they say? Would the answer be “Yes but you’ve just been a little caught up with…”?

Many broken relationships could be avoided if we paid more attention to our priorities. This needs to be intentional otherwise the urgent will constantly distract. Difficulties can distract but so can many good things. If we are honest, many times things we get caught up in are because we want to do them. The reality is sometimes we are so focused on what we want and not on what is most important.

Are there any ‘things’ in your life that you are caught up in to the detriment of your relationships? Now ask those closest to you and see if their answer is the same…come on, be brave.

I want to encourage us all today to honestly assess this and then make adjustments to ensure our priorities stay our priorities. Let’s do what we must to avoid hearing those all too familiar words “they just got caught up…”